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Pre-VCON Prep Steps & Tips
Moderators: Lucas, dave, Curt R, Brian Abels, Taylor
Author Post
Tue Jan 26 2021, 01:07p.m.

Registered Member #1
Joined: Sat Dec 09 2006, 11:54p.m.

Posts: 3312
Some helpful prep tips adapted slightly from Alex Wreschnig (PFS/SFS Coordinator) in his Discord and FB posts.

1. Create a free Roll20 account? You can do that here:

2. Create a free Discord account? You can do that here:

Roll20 is a free browser-based VTT, or virtual table-top. There are premium features that are nice to have, but you don't need to give them money--even if you're a DM/GM/Storyteller/etc.

Discord is a communications platform designed for gamers but good for lots of things. You do not need to give them money, either. You'll probably want to download the desktop version (there's a browser-based version that works, but is a little finicky).

To use Discord, you use links, (COS VCON General Channel Link), to join things called "servers", which are like hubs for a community. The COS VCON discord is technically a "discord server." You can be a member of as many servers as you want.

Each server is made up of channels. Channels can be text-only or voice-only. You click on the name to see a text channel (which works a lot like a forum thread, or an instant messenger conversation) or to join a voice channel.

We'll be making use of a voice channel. You'll want to have headsets--Discord doesn't filter out feedback, so if you try to use it without headphones, bad things will almost certainly happen!

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