
The Circle of Swords Gaming Guild :: Forums :: Conventions & Game Days Forums :: COS Game Days
COS Game Days
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Next COS Game Day - May 18th, 2013
Mon Feb 25 2013, 04:17p.m.
None 4411 -
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Mon Dec 17 2012, 04:46p.m.
None 4799 -
 Forum Threads
COS Game Day 12/19
Ron R
Tue Dec 01 2015, 08:40p.m.
1 9309 Tonest Denonbor
Fri Dec 04 2015, 09:01a.m.
Aug 24 Game Day - Post & sign up for events here
Ron R
Sun Jul 27 2014, 08:57p.m.
2 7485 Ron R
Thu Aug 21 2014, 10:35p.m.
Aug 24 - X-Wing crash test @ noon
Sun Aug 17 2014, 06:14p.m.
None 4381 -
July 27th Game Day
Ron R
Thu Jul 17 2014, 09:45a.m.
3 7432 Marinian
Wed Jul 23 2014, 02:59p.m.
July 27th - Pathfinder Society - #5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade (1-5)
Thu Jul 17 2014, 08:15a.m.
1 5518 Cascade
Sun Jul 20 2014, 02:02p.m.

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