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Quest Production Form
Moderators: Lucas, dave, Curt R, Brian Abels, Taylor
Author Post
Fri Aug 24 2018, 08:46a.m.
Registered Member #123
Joined: Sun Feb 11 2007, 06:13p.m.

Posts: 50
Hey, I was hoping I could get a little info on how the Production form works. I'd like to semi-automate my process, mainly to keep me from forgetting it. Does hitting Submit generate an email to Luke with the appropriate info? Or is the information entered into a database or something?

I'm not trying to cheat the system, rock the boat, or anything like that...just trying to solve my own little problem. Any help would be appreciated. Oh, and if it is an email, could someone forward an example to me, minus any sensitive data, of course? (If my program has to generate/send an email, I want to be sure it's formatted correctly.)


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