
The Circle of Swords Gaming Guild :: Forums :: COS General Club Forum :: LAN, Console, & Online MMO Gaming
LAN, Console, & Online MMO Gaming
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CoS Hosted TeamSpeak 3 server
Wed Oct 24 2012, 04:49p.m.
8 11391 Jeric
Sat Dec 29 2012, 08:30p.m.
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best console ?
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Ikkadian (Pat)
Thu Oct 11 2012, 04:40p.m.
12 21020 Rszuchy
Thu Jan 05 2017, 09:42a.m.
League of Legends?
Sat Dec 29 2012, 08:19p.m.
4 8602 Rszuchy
Thu Jan 05 2017, 09:42a.m.
Eso anyone?
Thu Apr 03 2014, 02:49p.m.
2 7999 shadesofkin
Fri Apr 18 2014, 05:44p.m.
Need a new game
Sat Dec 21 2013, 10:58p.m.
9 13615 shadesofkin
Mon Feb 17 2014, 03:50p.m.
controllers and servers
Mon Oct 21 2013, 08:22a.m.
None 4695 -
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Computer Game, Planetside 2
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Thu Nov 22 2012, 01:57p.m.
17 19854 Moorayle
Mon Apr 29 2013, 05:32p.m.
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XBOX 360 Gamers Read This.
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Sat Nov 20 2010, 01:26p.m.
17 21002 IBC - Toland
Tue Oct 09 2012, 09:43p.m.
[poll] CoS Hosted Voice Server
Wed Aug 08 2012, 07:36p.m.
9 12195 Moorayle
Sun Sep 09 2012, 12:03p.m.
GameOn - New video game lounge in North Hills!
Wed Jun 06 2012, 09:58p.m.
5 9177 Instana
Mon Jun 11 2012, 09:40a.m.
How do I connect my PS3 to the Internet?
Fri May 13 2011, 12:23a.m.
8 14820 Lyndsey Truglia
Sun Aug 21 2011, 01:57a.m.
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Dungeons & Dragons Online
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Mon Oct 26 2009, 03:29p.m.
15 20010 Balazar
Tue Feb 22 2011, 11:00p.m.

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