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Moderators: Lucas, dave, Curt R, Brian Abels, Taylor
Author Post
Tue Jan 15 2013, 05:47p.m.
Registered Member #74
Joined: Sun Feb 11 2007, 06:13p.m.

Posts: 915
I'll be there, maybe my wife also...
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Fri Jan 18 2013, 12:22p.m.
Registered Member #668
Joined: Thu Mar 22 2007, 11:10p.m.

Posts: 209
Putting it on the calendar so most likely will be there!
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Ron R
Thu Feb 07 2013, 09:25p.m.
Registered Member #175
Joined: Sun Feb 11 2007, 06:13p.m.

Posts: 464
I found this link to "Welcome to the 6th World" Shadowrun video. It gives a pretty good run-down on what the whole game is about.

If this interests you feel free to join us at the game day on Feb 23rd or at COSCON to try out Shadowrun Missions. There are three other SR Missions GM's going to be at COSCON, and we are offering a full plate of Shadowrun.

Hope to see you there!
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