Oct 19 : 16:39 posted by Lucas
Welcome to Weekend in the Realms!!

Time: 10am, Sat, Oct 25th
Location: Days Inn, Butler, PA (Overflow space may be available, dependent upon RSVPs)

This is an exclusive LFR mega-adventure playable one weekend only. We are hosting the event on Saturday October 25th at the Days Inn in Butler, PA. It’s called “Beneath Haunted Halls,” and is for characters levels 1–4. Set in and around the famous Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, the adventure is broken into three parts; each part takes approximately 3 hours to play. You can play one, two, or all three parts if you’d like, and earn rewards for your LFR character for each part. Our space (and judges) will be limited, so we are asking everyone to RSVP. We will be running the adventure as follows:

Part 1: 10 am - 1 pm
Part 2: 2 pm - 5 pm
Part 3: 6 pm - 9 pm

Please send your RSVP to Kim at kaznpaz@yahoo.com . Make sure to indicate if you are coming for all 3 parts or only some portion of the day. Again space is limited, if you don't preregister there probably won't be space the day of the event. We are also looking for a few interested judges. There will hopefully be a slot zero opportunity on the 11th or 18th (probably at the Zellem home). We're looking forward to seeing everyone on the 25th!

Additional Time: 10am, Sunday, Oct 26th
Additional Location: Borders in Pittsburgh Mills Mall

The Borders at the Pittsburgh Mills Mall, will be holding the Weekend in the Realms event on Sunday, October 26th, starting at 10am, or whenever we get a full table, and running as late as 8pm. If you have any questions, or want to put your name down on the list, email me at efry@zoominternet.net, or call the store at 724-275-5820.

For more information or to ask about the event, visit the Forums here!
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Sep 03 : 21:29 posted by Lucas
SIBCON XIII 2008 Events:
September 26-28, 2008

New Updates!
  • PayPal COSQuest Charity Point Buy Posted
  • T-Shirt Logo Uploaded (see left image)
  • New RPGA, LARPs, LAN & Other Events Posted on WarHorn.net!
  • Your Next Location For COS Vampire & COSQuest LARPs!
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Jul 15 : 12:56 posted by Lucas
Next COS Vampire LARP:
  • SIBCON XIII - September 26-28, 2008
    Days Inn, Butler, PA
    New players may contact vampire@circleofswords.com for additional details
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