
The Circle of Swords Gaming Guild :: Forums :: COS General Club Forum :: Gaming In Your Area!
Gaming In Your Area!
  Thread Starter Replies Views Latest Post
LF Players for Leagues of Adventure
Thu Aug 01 2019, 04:28p.m.
None 4485 -
Join Us
Thu Aug 30 2018, 11:00p.m.
None 3852 -
COS Vampire back in action.
Fri Jan 19 2018, 12:57p.m.
1 5168 Eli
Sat Jan 20 2018, 08:14p.m.
Seeking A Gaming Group In The Oil City, PA Area!
Duke Igthorn
Sat Nov 25 2017, 12:47p.m.
None 3732 -
Gamer warning
Brif Stoneworth
Thu Jul 27 2017, 11:08a.m.
None 3748 -
LF-PCs for Numenera
Tue Jan 19 2016, 08:13p.m.
None 4418 -
GASPcon 16, Nov 6-8 [Pittsburgh, PA]
Tue Sep 08 2015, 07:00a.m.
None 4770 -
Tekko April 14-19, GM's needed
Ron R
Thu Mar 05 2015, 08:02p.m.
2 7241 Zephyr
Wed Apr 01 2015, 04:08p.m.
Thu Mar 05 2015, 03:27p.m.
1 5912 Ron R
Thu Mar 05 2015, 08:02p.m.
GASPcon 15, Nov 14-16 [Pittsburgh, PA]
Mon Oct 13 2014, 12:12p.m.
1 6090 SirJustinSane
Mon Oct 27 2014, 11:53p.m.
LFG Pathfinder RPG/D&D 3.5
Mon Aug 18 2014, 02:58p.m.
None 4304 -
Game Days Sun July 27, Sun Aug 24
Ron R
Tue May 20 2014, 03:21p.m.
3 7454 JPIKE420
Mon Aug 18 2014, 02:55p.m.
Tentative Fallout campaign starting June 8 @ MAC
Mon Jan 28 2013, 11:05a.m.
5 8889 Ron R
Mon Apr 22 2013, 04:08p.m.
Indie RPG Games or New RPGs
Sun Feb 03 2013, 08:10a.m.
3 7510 Chappy
Sun Feb 24 2013, 08:24a.m.
4E D&D around Pittsburgh
Thu Dec 27 2012, 03:57p.m.
1 6251 Mc
Fri Dec 28 2012, 01:55a.m.
GASPcon 13, Nov 9th-11th (Pittsburgh)
Mon Oct 22 2012, 07:20a.m.
None 5020 -
dnd 4th edition
Fri Aug 10 2012, 12:27a.m.
None 4470 -
Star Wars Boffer LARP
IBC - Toland
Sat Jun 16 2012, 02:02a.m.
1 6548 IBC - Toland
Fri Jun 22 2012, 05:34p.m.
Run for your lives
Maggie R
Wed Oct 19 2011, 03:39p.m.
7 11429 Maggie R
Tue Apr 24 2012, 09:32a.m.
AnCon 2012!
Chicago Faucet
Sat Mar 10 2012, 11:20p.m.
None 5137 -
MTG players?
Mon Nov 07 2011, 12:00p.m.
5 8864 Tonest Denonbor
Tue Nov 08 2011, 08:33a.m.
Need Players for Rogue Trader
Tonest Denonbor
Wed Aug 31 2011, 10:16a.m.
None 4066 -

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