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Ron R
Sun Aug 19 2012, 09:12p.m.
Registered Member #175
Joined: Sun Feb 11 2007, 06:13p.m.

Posts: 464
Hello, I'm gauging the interest in Shadowrun 4th edition Missions Campaign. The Campaign is an ongoing campaign in which characters can be played at any other official Missions game.

Are there any Shadowrun players in our club that would be interested in playing an official missions game every few months?

Post if you'd be interested & could regularly meet for games (no experience needed). Games would meet in the Butler PA area.


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Sun Aug 19 2012, 11:48p.m.
Registered Member #74
Joined: Sun Feb 11 2007, 06:13p.m.

Posts: 915
My wife and I are both veteran Shadowrunners. And we live close.
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Mon Aug 20 2012, 08:38a.m.
Registered Member #777
Joined: Tue Jan 08 2008, 12:17p.m.

Posts: 845
I played older versions of the game. I would love to come down and play if I can work the schedule correctly..
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Tue Aug 21 2012, 12:01a.m.
Registered Member #668
Joined: Thu Mar 22 2007, 11:10p.m.

Posts: 209
Yup Yup as long as I can squeeze it into my schedule!
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Tue Aug 21 2012, 01:12a.m.
Registered Member #159
Joined: Fri Jun 27 2008, 10:37p.m.

Posts: 11
Been trying to play Shadowrun for months! Sounds great!

Edit: This is Adam. Scott was signed in :P

[ Edited Tue Aug 21 2012, 01:13a.m. ]
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Tue Aug 21 2012, 08:55a.m.
Registered Member #200
Joined: Mon May 21 2007, 03:49p.m.

Posts: 405
Ditto, as long as I can fit it in, I'd be interested. I think Al would be in, too.
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Ron R
Tue Aug 21 2012, 01:43p.m.
Registered Member #175
Joined: Sun Feb 11 2007, 06:13p.m.

Posts: 464
Sounds great! I'm submitting the forms to Catalyst games to be a Demo agent so that exp earned can be used for Shadowrun Missions games at different conventions and other events. Will post more once I hear back.
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Tue Aug 21 2012, 09:35p.m.
Registered Member #15
Joined: Mon Mar 26 2007, 03:44p.m.

Posts: 66
I would play, i already have a mage written up.
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Thu Aug 23 2012, 12:30p.m.
Registered Member #668
Joined: Thu Mar 22 2007, 11:10p.m.

Posts: 209
Hey SR players here is a forums I found to check out....;
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Ron R
Sun Aug 26 2012, 01:26p.m.
Registered Member #175
Joined: Sun Feb 11 2007, 06:13p.m.

Posts: 464
Everything is submitted to join the Demo team. Hopefully there will be no problems. Once I hear back, I'll schedule a creation day & demo game.

Missions PC creation rules can be found here:

thanks for all the interest. :)

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